The Waco Tragedy at scott
Featuring: Dave Hardy, Dan Gifford, James Tabor, Paul Fatta, David Thibodeau, Jim Bovard, Barbara Grant, Mike McNulty
Featuring: Dave Hardy, Dan Gifford, James Tabor, Paul Fatta, David Thibodeau, Jim Bovard, Barbara Grant, Mike McNulty
Catch Barbara on the SCOTT HORTON SHOW podcast 9.24.21
Available to view on Vimeo. Engineer, author, and award-winning instructor Barbara G. Grant explains the basics of infrared as they apply to the FBI's FLIR videotape taken at Waco, April 19, 1993, in which nearly 80 civilians lost their lives. No graphic details, but subject matter is for mature audiences. Barbara is a Fellow of SPIE, the International Society for Optics and Photonics.
A young widow is maneuvered into visiting a supposedly haunted Gold Country mansion by a ruthless Silicon Valley power broker.
I didn’t expect my ordeal to end as it had… giving up my life in Tucson and exhausting all my financial resources to finish my late colleague's book, only to hear that I didn't really write it.
This was more than a spurious claim: it was an allegation of wrongdoing, implying that I had—through some impropriety or undue influence—been able to get my name on the cover of a book to whose writing I contributed little or nothing.
Being so accused, I was nevertheless denied basic rights. These were the rights to confront my accusers, to hear the charges against me firsthand (not surreptitiously), and most importantly, the _evidence_ for such charges; the right to present evidence in my defense, in order to clear my name; and the right to cross-examine. I received none of those rights.
When such an authority as my major professor recommended me to teach the course that my labor had returned to the curriculum, and I was not even called for an interview—it became very clear that “the fix” was in...